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As a medical billing and coding school in New Jersey, an HTI education will prepare you for this critical part of the medical field. Our certificate program will jump start your career as a medical billing and coding specialist.
- Earn your career certificate in medical billing and coding
- Upon completion of our program, you will be ready to work in medical offices, healthcare clinics, hospitals, and other out-patient facilities.
- Students may sit for the national certification exam – Certified Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS) exam offered by the National Health Career Association (NHA) after successful completion of the program.
- We offer financial aid to students who qualify.
Our graduates get hired! Healthcare Training Institute successfully placed 100% of our Medical Billing & Coding graduates last year, as reported to the ACCSC (Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges).
A Medical Billing & Coding School in NJ
Healthcare Training Institute’s medical billing and coding specialist training courses have been designed to provide basic training and knowledgeable education in the fundamental areas of medical billing. Our program provides skills and necessary knowledge to students who wish to be trained in the graduate entry-level Medical Billing Specialist, Medical Office Clerk / Receptionist and Medical Administrative Assistant positions.
- Gain a full understanding of expectations, job knowledge, and mastery of skills needed for job performance.
- You’ll receive 900 hours of practical experience in a real medical setting.
- Learn Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Insurance Terminology, Medical Coding & more.
- Familiarize yourself with General Office Procedures and practical knowledge of computerized medical billing or claims processing systems.
Medical office training in New Jersey includes including performing procedural and diagnosis coding for insurance submission, medical record interpretation, communicating between physicians and patients, and managing information.
Our medical billing and coding specialist courses are designed to provide skills and necessary knowledge to students interested in applying for graduate entry-level Medical Coding jobs as well. Medical Coding is far more than assigning numbers to services and diagnosis. The Medical Coding curriculum has been tailored in such ways to allow the student to abstract information from the patient’s record, and combine it with their knowledge of reimbursement and coding guidelines to optimize physicians and hospitals payment.
The Medical Billing and Coding Specialist programs have been combined due to major recent changes, with more expected in the future. This program has been designed to provide basic training and knowledge in the fundamental areas of medical billing and medical coding.
Medical Billing & Coding Training in New Jersey
At Healthcare Training Institute the program is designed to provide the student/participant with the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare the program graduate to apply for entry-level Medical Billing Specialist and Medical Coding Specialist , EHR Specialist, Medical Office Administration, Unit Clerk, Pharmacy Biller, and DME billing, Processor/Data Entry , Third Party Billing Representative, Certified Medical Biller, Medical Billing/Payment Poster, Certified Coding Specialist Associate, Billing Clerk, Outpatient Medical Coder-Non Certified, Documentation Specialist, Inpatient Medical Coder-Certified, Ambulatory Registrar, Medical Office Assistant, Call Center Service Associate, Account Representative, Staff Assistant, Bookkeeper, Patient Access Representative, Care Coordinator, Patient Scheduler, Receptionist Patient Account Representative, Data Entry, Coding Reviewer Specialist Preauthorization, Dental Biller/Receptionist, Ophthalmic Technician/ Optometric Technician, Medical Records Field Technician, Clinical Compliance Specialist, Administrative Assistant for Malpractice Office, Medical Charge Entry Specialist.
The Medical Billing curriculum section has been tailored in such a way as to allow the student to gain a full understanding of expectations, job knowledge, and mastery of skills needed for job performance. This is acquired through acquaintance and learning of Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Insurance Terminology, CPT, ICD9, HCFA 1500, UB-92 Hospital Billing Form, General Office Procedures and practical knowledge of computerized medical billing or claims processing systems.
The Medical Coding curriculum encompasses far more than assigning numbers to services and diagnosis. The medical coding curriculum has been tailored in such way to allow the student to abstract information from the patient’s record and combine it with their knowledge of reimbursement and coding guidelines to optimize payments to physicians and hospitals. A certificate is awarded to a student upon successful completion of all graduation requirements listed in the student catalog.