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Start your career in less than a year! Our medical billing & coding specialist training program is designed to provide a quality education in the fundamental areas of medical billing and coding. As an accredited medical billing school in New Jersey, we provide students with the skill and knowledge necessary to apply for entry-level jobs, including medical office clerk, medical receptionist, and medical administrative assistant upon graduation. Upon completion of our program, students receive their medical billing certification after they pass the national exam and are ready to start their careers. We also offer financial aid to students who qualify.
Medical Billing & Coding Program in NJ
Healthcare facilities are always in need of highly qualified medical billing specialists, who are responsible for preparing bills and invoices, contacting patients to relay or obtain information, and recording amounts due for medical services and procedures. Medical billing specialists also verify the accuracy of billing data and revise errors as is necessary.
Our medical billing and coding curriculum has been tailored in such a way as to allow students to gain a full understanding of expectations, job knowledge, and mastery of skills needed for optimal job performance. We ensure this through acquaintance and learning of anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, insurance terminology, CPT, ICD9, HCFA, 1500, UB-92 hospital billing form, general office procedures, and logic knowledge of computerized medical billing or claims processing systems. HTI’s medical billing and coding specialist program will prepare students for one of the fastest growing fields in healthcare.